Thursday Thought’s: Why do online D&D campaign’s fail?


I am looking for a new D&D group.

The last group that I was a part of, for a small story on what happened, the biggest issue was that life happened. Everyone was (for those of us that shown up for the few sessions that we did have) very nice and we made some headway into the campaign. The Dungeon Master is very nice and knowledgeable. I honestly have nothing bad to say about anyone or anything that had happened. At times, life has a different thing for you to pay attention to. I am not angry with anyone that was intended to be a part of the group either. Stuff just happens.

For as crappy as the situation is, it got me thinking. Why do online Dungeon & Dragon’s campaign’s fail?

Yes, I do believe that the group failed. We had an inconsistent time frame between sessions, players (who had things come up in their life and honestly that you can not be mad at them!) that did not show, and for lack of a better term we as character player’s are noobs. The intent of this particular group was to go through a dungeon crawl type of campaign and to learn mechanical ways to get through the fights in a better way. It did not lend itself to much RP; however, the interaction between the players was very good.

For as much as I would have loved for this to work out it just was not in the cards. For as inconstant as it was, I am still very happy with the short interactions that we had as a group. I honestly did and still do like the DM and the players I did interact with. Do I wish we had communicated more? Sure. Do I wish that we as a group that could have made it to sessions on a more consistent basis had a say on how this ended or continued? Yes!

For what it is worth, I did some digging around the Internet and from what I had found, other then general douchbaggery, the biggest issue that I have seen for groups and campaign’s that have failed is communication.

Weather something was changed by a DM or a player just trying to do the best for their characters that they needed to speak to their DM to change – talking about it seems to have been the biggest issue.

I know what a few of you are going to ask. Why not find a place locally that runs a game and jump on the chance and play in person? I would if there were games in session. However with the lack of interest or inconsistencies with scheduling at this point it just is not feasible for them to run a game currently.

So, I am bummed but I understand that life just happens.

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Dungeon’s & Dragon’s: Dice Bag!

bagOver the weekend my family and I went to a local festival and had a great time.

There is a thrift store close and decided to check things out. I had not intended to purchase anything but I stumbled across a bag that I absolutely fell in love with. I was not sure what I was going to use it for but for a quarter you could not beat the price.

As soon as I seen the bag I knew, no matter the price, I would have made the purchase! It was way to cute to pass up. The original intent for the bag is for make up products; however, I had a different idea. So all of my dice are now in this bag and I could not be happier with my purchase!

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Featured Blog: The Pink Dice Chronicles!

12pcopaquepinkwithgoldIt is refreshing to see a Dungeon Master share their thoughts via a blog. It explain’s everything from how they started their journey with Dungeons and Dragons, their thoughts on various rules, and a plethora of issues that can and have come up during their sessions.

I would strongly encourage reading a blog like this. It gives a player of Dungeons and Dragons a different perspective. Also, for as infrequent as the post are for this particular blog in question, it still provides solid content and great commentary on a verity of topic’s.

Take the time to read “The Pink Dice Chronicles” here!

Now I want a set of pink dice, thanks! 🙂

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Feature Of The Week: D&D Dice!


Wednesday morning I was spending some time writing blog post and perusing through twitter when I had stumbled across a set of stunning purple galaxy dice. I promptly retweeted the photo.

I seriously believe I have a problem. Within the last month, I have purchased three full sets of dice for D&D, and four independent D20’s, and an extra random D4.  At the time of seeing the dice as shown in the photo, I also have my eyes set on two other full sets of dice.  The one set of dice that I have fell in love with recently is a set of purple steel. (The other set’s of dice can be found here and here.)

I am in love with collecting. These dice are unquestionably a set I would love to use in a session for my current campaign.

If you are interested in learning more about the artist or would like to purchase a set for yourself, please follow the following links:

Twitter: daffodilsonfire

Etsy Store: setdaffodilsonfire

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Secret’s Of Talonguard: Character’s!


Secrets Of Talonguard Characters Color
From Left to Right: Tuttle Underfoot, Drakkor, Wyllow, Mae’mouri, and Zahara

If you have been living under a rock, have not listened to previous podcast, or read any of my previous post you would not know that I am part of a D&D Campaign. On that note, I would like to introduce the player characters that were drawn for us!

I am super excited to let you guys see what our characters look like and very happy that we now have a visual representation.

Alludra, the fabulous cohost of Battle Pets and Fae Warlock in the campaign had asked us a few weeks ago if we would want a sketch drawn of our character’s. I jumped on the chance to take her up on the offer. She reached out to her son and he took it from there with descriptions we as players had provided to her.

Her son, Teirren, did a wonderful job and I am super happy how things worked out.

Please, if you are interested in any art being done for your character in a D&D campaign – feel free to reach out to Teirren via Instagram.

He also has a Deviant Art page, it can be found here:

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You’r WoW Soundtrack, Part 10: Rob Zombie!

Rob_Zombie_Living_Dead_Girl.jpgGreetings & salutations!

If you just so happen to live under a rock, do not have access to the internet, or a basic calendar, not only would you not be reading this but you would also not know that this Friday is the 13th. I decided to give this weeks blog post’s a theme.

If you have not figured it out by now the theme is Zombie’s. The theme is inspired by my D&D group that is currently running, Secrets Of Talonguard. If you are interested in listening to our campaign here is an iTunes link for you! (Click here!)

“Hellbilly Deluxe: 13 Tales of Cadaverous Cavorting Inside the Spookshow International” is the solo debut album by Rob Zombie on August 25, 1998. The album serves as his first release outside of the band White Zombie, with whom he released two multi-platinum studio albums. The song “Living Dead Girl” is the second single from the album and I absolutely love it.  The music video for the single derives its imagery from Robert Wiene’s 1920 silent film, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, with Zombie in the role of The Doctor.


It is wild to think that I have been a fan for this long but I have absolutely enjoyed the musical adventure. Thank you for all of the hard work and music Mr. Zombie. Really!

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